Become a Sponsor
Payrolls Inc. User Conference 2019
Conference Overview | Agenda | Hotel | Registration | First Time Attendees | Sponsor the Conference
Be a Sponsor at EPUC 2019
Don’t miss out on the payroll experience of the year. The Payrolls Inc. User Conference is always one of the best ways to:
Meet and mingle with our licensees
Present your new products and services
Catch up with existing clients
Learn what’s new and coming down the pipeline
This is definitely one not to miss!
Become a Sponsor
Sponsorship Levels

Platinum Sponsor – $5900 (Limited)
Here is what you get:
- 10 minute presentation to the general audience (premium time slot)
- Payrolls Inc. Conference T-Shirt logo placement
- Marketing brochure added to conference link
- 3 attendee registrations**
- Premium signage and verbal recognition at sponsored event
- Premium recognition on the Payrolls Inc. Support site
- Marketing giveaway added to conference swag
Sponsorship Recognition Events
- Wednesday Cocktail Reception
- Thursday Lunch
- Thursday Dinner
Gold Sponsor – $4900 (Limited)
Here is what you get:
- 5 min presentation to the general audience
- Marketing brochure added to conference link
- 2 attendee registrations**
- Recognition on Payrolls Inc. the Support site
- Marketing giveaway added to conference swag
Sponsorship Recognition Events
- Thursday Breakfast
- Thursday Lunch
- Friday Breakfast
Silver Sponsor – $3900 (Limited)
Here is what you get:
- Marketing brochure added to conference link
- 1 Attendee registration**
- Marketing giveaway added to conference swag.
Sponsorship Opportunities
- Thursday & Friday snack breaks
** Additional attendees are $495